Chromebook Collections
ALL Chromebooks will be disabled on Monday 5/15
Chromebook Collections / Turn In Grade Level
All Chromebooks will be DISABLED/LOCKED on May 15th
Collection Days:
Monday, May 15th - 8th Grade ELA ACCEL (Lenoir Only)
Tuesday, May 16th - 8th Grade ELA
Wednesday, May 17th - 7th Grade ELA
Thursday, May 18th - 6th Grade Science
Friday, May 19th - Before School / 1st 15 mins class @ Library
Monday, May 22nd - Before School @ Library
To avoid a $5.00 fine, teachers will instruct the students to clean their Chromebooks in the classroom to remove any stickers or pencil/pen drawings.
Chromebook cases need all items to be removed including the zipper pouch pocket AND front label window that carries their name tag.
Students should now have Chromebook, Charger, and an empty case.
Students will fill out the top portion of the Check-in form
Students will come to the library during their time slot given to the teacher.
The Chromebook Check-In Team Specialists (TCBCITS) will visually check for damages
TCBCITS will fill any fines & students will sign acknowledging the return of the Chromebook and any damages charged to them.
Devices and fines will be in the Destiny system at the same time as check-in.
Students will take the yellow copy of the check-in form home as a receipt for turning in their Chromebook.
Price List for Fines
Prices vary due to model type:
Cleaning Fee - $5.00 (If not cleaned by student. Pencil/Pen Drawing or Stickers)
USB Charger - $20.00 (Cables broken/ Not Returned. 3rd party/Amazon chargers not accepted)
Screen/Display - $20.00 - $50.00 (Cracked, Peeled, Scratched/scuffed)
Keyboard - $30.00 - $55.00 (Missing Key(s), Sticky, Stuck)
Palmrest/Trackpad - $20.00 - $40.00 (Mouse doesn't work)
Hinge - $15.00 - $20.00 (broken/cracked or unable to close Chromebook)
Top Cover/Bottom Cover - $15.00 - $25.00 each cover
Entire Chromebook Total Loss / Missing - $250.00 - $350.00
Sample Check In Form